
Can we ping an AWS Lambda function ?

Context Can we ping the ENI of an AWS Lambda function within the VPC ? While the answer can be obvious the path to get it was insightful for me and has helped me to be more comfortable with : AWS IAM. AWS Lambdas function. AWS Static IP addresses and AWS default subnets. This test can be performed with the AWS free tier. You will find the Terraform scripts here : Lambda Ping

Github Actions with Terraform Cloud for CI/CD of NSX-T

This post is to show an example of using CI/CD with Terraform Cloud and Github Actions in order to have a better NetDevOps approach by doing NSX-T Network Infrastructure as code (IaC). It’s almost a bingo, I think I have most of the buzz words of these last years :) I will describe the structure of the project, the project components, the project workflow and finish with how to test this project.