
To install python packages offline (with no internet access), the simplest way is to dowload the packages with the dependencies on a server with internet access and the below command. C:\Users\Nono\Desktop\pythonpip download requests Collecting requests Using cached requests-2.25.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (61 kB) Collecting urllib3=1.21.1 Using cached urllib3-1.26.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (137 kB) Collecting certifi=2017.4.17 Using cached certifi-2020.12.5-py2.py3-none-any.whl (147 kB) Collecting idna=2.5 Using cached idna-2.10-py2.py3-none-any.whl (58 kB) Collecting chardet=3.0.2 Using cached chardet-4.0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (178 kB) Saved c:\users\nono\desktop\python\requests-2.


QoS VOQ On N5K, In the case of unicast traffic, VOQ is an ingress buffer pool for 3 ingress ports (1 ASIC = 3 ports). This buffer pool is split into n x reservable buffer of the size configured in the voq-limit command. If the ingress buffer is 16000 and the VOQ limit is 1024, that mean 16 flow can reserv buffers. When the shared buffer is exausted, the dedicated ingress buffer per port is used then when it’s full, the packet is droped.


The post below shows how to create security policy groups for NSX-T with Terraform nested for_each loop and dynamic. The variables are made from one map of list. Each list represents one group composed of tags. variable "mapgroups" { type = map default = { NBO = ["NBO"] NBO-PROD = ["NBO","PROD"] } } resource "nsxt_policy_group" "nbogroups" { for_each = var.mapgroups display_name = each.key criteria { dynamic "condition" { for_each = each.


The steps below are what I have followed to create a terraform-bundle to use terraform with non default providers on a server that doesn’t have access to Internet. You can find the tool explanation in the below link. installation of golang with msi downloaded here Clone the terraform repository to get the tool cd terraform-master go install .\tools\terraform-bundle Check the terraform version C:\Users\noyel\Desktop\tfforeach\nsxt>terraform version Terraform v0.


An extended explanation of the differences between for_each, for and count can be find on the link below The two main drawbacks of using count are : - Can’t be used to loop over inline blocks - Difficult to remove entry from a list because it changes the index and those Terraform may want to destroy the resource because it has a different index Below is an example of the variables used to create subnets within AWS VPCs and the main file with the for_each.


One article that can help understanding and make decisions about fast failover

Is there any benefit by enabling BFD on directly connected interface ?

Sometime it can be enabled to help veryfied that there are no issues on physical layer and data link layer of an interface. It can help if on the data link layer you are not using UDLD or LACP.


“Several of these protocols are standards” My understanding is that even if the protocols look standard, Cisco made some modifications on them : VXLAN (fiels to transport ACI Policies), ISIS (added the multidestination tree) and hence are note standard anymore. “Does it require proprietary server ?” Not prorietary servers but proprietary switches…So you are locked in regarding the software and the hardware. Both can’t be decoupled. If you choose to move to another switch vendor, you need to change the hardware and sart learning new software and protocols skills.


ISIS Segment routing basics for Arista EOS References: SRGB Segment Routing Golbal Block Prefix-SID It’s global and unique. It identify a prefix. It’s called anycast SID when it’s send by a group of router. Node-SID It’s global and unique. Only one per node. It identify the node. Adjacent-SID It’s local and can use a dynamique range. It’s used to identify an interconnection between 2 nodes. With Arista EOS 4.


Maximum path In the RIB + FIB ECMP (multipath) Is PIC supported by default ? => With BGP Multipath, the BGP prefix-independant convergence (PIC) feature is supported Attribut that should be identical - Weight - LP - AS Path (AS Number unless relax us used, AS length) - Origin Code - MED - IGP Metric Next hop should be different Add Path If the path are equal, allow to advertise more than one bes oath (need to test in eBGP).


prerequis : - github desktop - hugo config.toml => need to be modify to change the copyright date lancer cmd Go to the folder blog : C:\Users\noyel\Documents\Site\blog> taper : hugo new post/ try the web site with : hugo server -D entrer http://localhost:1313/ generate the web site with : hugo -t “academic” Move the content of the folder C:\Users\noyel\Documents\Site\blog\public in GitHub\ lancer github desktop, commit/push to master To have a file attached for the post, create a directory with the exact same name as the post md file.