
K8s on Vms With Calico

This post is a memo on how I did the installtion of Kubernetes and Calico on VMs. It’s not some best pactrices in anyway. I’ve chose VM because I didn’t want to depend on any Cloud infrastructure. I’ve also wanted to understand the network interaction between K8s parts from an infrastructure point of view. Prerequisite : know how to create VMs on any hypervisors Steps to deploy K8s : Install 1 ubuntu router with 3 interfaces.

[Cheat Sheet] K8s on VMs with Calico

This is the cheat sheet for the post : https://netmemo.github.io/post/k8s-on-vms-with-calico/ The following post contain raw entry only for reminder purpose. Bellow are the links I’ve used to understand/did my lab https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kubernetes#/media/File:Kubernetes.png https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/independent/install-kubeadm/ https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/independent/create-cluster-kubeadm/ https://kubernetes.io/docs/tutorials/k8s101/ https://kubernetes.io/docs/tutorials/k8s201/ https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/cheatsheet/ Join a node/worker to the master kubeadm join --token d34b9i.v03t2yiozio63cq6 --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:c21d04ea23790a0bf81cf64118e3a9075ffb63ed90bc697acef5793386e9eb16 Delete a deployment kubectl delete deployment nginx-deployment-nbo To get the logs of a specific container. -n is to specify the namespace