
Terraform nested for_each for NSX-T with dynamic

The post below shows how to create security policy groups for NSX-T with Terraform nested for_each loop and dynamic. The variables are made from one map of list. Each list represents one group composed of tags. https://www.hashicorp.com/blog/hashicorp-terraform-0-12-preview-for-and-for-each variable "mapgroups" { type = map default = { NBO = ["NBO"] NBO-PROD = ["NBO","PROD"] } } resource "nsxt_policy_group" "nbogroups" { for_each = var.mapgroups display_name = each.key criteria { dynamic "condition" { for_each = each.

Create portable Terraform and plugins with Terraform-bundle for Windows

The steps below are what I have followed to create a terraform-bundle to use terraform with non default providers on a server that doesn’t have access to Internet. You can find the tool explanation in the below link. https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/tree/master/tools/terraform-bundle installation of golang with msi downloaded here https://golang.org/doc/install Clone the terraform repository to get the tool https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform.git cd terraform-master go install .\tools\terraform-bundle Check the terraform version C:\Users\noyel\Desktop\tfforeach\nsxt>terraform version Terraform v0.

Using Terraform for_each to create subnets in AWS VPC

An extended explanation of the differences between for_each, for and count can be find on the link below https://blog.gruntwork.io/terraform-tips-tricks-loops-if-statements-and-gotchas-f739bbae55f9 The two main drawbacks of using count are : - Can’t be used to loop over inline blocks - Difficult to remove entry from a list because it changes the index and those Terraform may want to destroy the resource because it has a different index Below is an example of the variables used to create subnets within AWS VPCs and the main file with the for_each.