Cisco ACI Terraform Policy Model

The big picture

This blog post is a memo for the ACI Terraform policy model. I have struggled to find equivalences between ACI REST API Call / Classes and Terraform resources. Below you can find the full diagram. The diagram is not exhaustive but I think I have reached a point where I can published something. I will probably modify or add things if I use more resources or if people correct me but I think it is a good start. L3 out is very complex that’s why the diagram ends up being complex. I don’t cover all cases for L3 out, only the one I have been using so far.

You will be able to find the source of this diagram here

The small picture

This second diagram is lighter. This is when you are not using L3out or static path bing and contracts. It looks more like the “Figure 1.” in Fabric Connectivity chapter of Operating Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure
