Terraform nested for_each for NSX-T with dynamic

The post below shows how to create security policy groups for NSX-T with Terraform nested for_each loop and dynamic.
The variables are made from one map of list. Each list represents one group composed of tags.

variable "mapgroups" {
  type		= map
  default	= {
    NBO			= ["NBO"]
    NBO-PROD	= ["NBO","PROD"]

resource "nsxt_policy_group" "nbogroups" {
  for_each		= var.mapgroups

  display_name	= each.key
  criteria {

    dynamic "condition" {
      for_each = each.value

      content {
        key			= "Tag"
        member_type	= "VirtualMachine"
        operator	= "EQUALS"
        value		= condition.value
