NSX-T Uplinks Memo

This is a memo regarding NSX-T uplinks. I think this is the most confusing and difficult part to understand in NSX-T. This post is made of 3 sections, Diagram with a more visual approach, Component with remarks/comments on uplinks components and a Q&A section based on questions I was asking myself. You can find duplicate information but slightly rephrased in every section. I kept it that way as some time some form are easier to understand than other.

Github Actions with Terraform Cloud for CI/CD of NSX-T

This post is to show an example of using CI/CD with Terraform Cloud and Github Actions in order to have a better NetDevOps approach by doing NSX-T Network Infrastructure as code (IaC). It’s almost a bingo, I think I have most of the buzz words of these last years :) I will describe the structure of the project, the project components, the project workflow and finish with how to test this project.

Terraform nested for_each for NSX-T with dynamic

The post below shows how to create security policy groups for NSX-T with Terraform nested for_each loop and dynamic. The variables are made from one map of list. Each list represents one group composed of tags. https://www.hashicorp.com/blog/hashicorp-terraform-0-12-preview-for-and-for-each variable "mapgroups" { type = map default = { NBO = ["NBO"] NBO-PROD = ["NBO","PROD"] } } resource "nsxt_policy_group" "nbogroups" { for_each = var.mapgroups display_name = each.key criteria { dynamic "condition" { for_each = each.